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Strategic Objectives

CCRIF’s strategic objectives are designed to enable the facility to fulfill its mission and realize its vision and to aid in the design of its strategic initiatives and key activities. The facility’s strategic objectives have been revised, and there is now one additional strategic objective compared with the last planning period 2015 – 2018. The previous objective regarding governance and financial stability has been replaced by two separate objectives and the previous objective regarding membership has been expanded in scope to include all aspects of scaling up of CCRIF SPC.
The strategic objectives were designed to be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound) and will therefore enable us to continuously meet and exceed the needs and expectations of our clients and stakeholders, whilst at the same time practicing continuous improvement.

Over the period 2018 to 2021, CCRIF will endeavour to achieve the following strategic objectives:

CCRIF Strategic Objectives 2018-2021