- Recent university graduates
- University students
- Young persons with an interest in disaster risk management, environmental sustainability, economics and geography etc….
To be delivered July 17 – August 14, 2024
On 5 consecutive Wednesdays
9:30 am – 1:30 pm (Eastern Caribbean Time)
Registration closes: July 10, 2024 Registration for the course, Disaster Risk Financing and CCRIF Parametric Insurance, is closed due to overwhelming demand.
Cost: Free
Topics to be covered include:
- Natural Disasters and the Caribbean Hazard Landscape
- Introduction to Economic Theory
- The Impact of Natural Disasters on the Economy
- The Relationship between Disaster Risk Management and Disaster Risk Financing
- Understanding Disaster Risk Financing
- Disaster Risk Financing Tools
- Linkages between Insurance and Social Protection Strategy – Case Study on the Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean Project (CRAIC)
- CCRIF’s Parametric Insurance Policies and Models
- Differences between Parametric Insurance and Indemnity Insurance
- CCRIF’s Country Risk Profiles and Applicability to Development Planning
- Integrated Risk Management
Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a CCRIF/UWI certificate and 2 credits
For further details, contact: technicalassistance@ccrif.org
Ivan+20: Remembering the Past, Reflecting on the Present, and Visioning for the Future: 20 Years Since Ivan... Resilience, Adaptation, Sustainability in Caribbean SIDS.